Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Saw Matrix: Revolutions recently (it was flawed, but at least it was better than the god-awful second Matrix movie) and the Texas Chainsaw remake (it was okay but definitely did not need to be made - the original is perfect). I was going to post reviews here, but I'll probably have reviews appearing elsewhere soon, so when that happens I'll provide links here.

We'll see.

In story news, I have a new story up online. It's called "Mating Room" and it's currently up on the website HOUSE OF PAIN, which is kind of fitting, actually. It's one of the darker stories I've written (the kind that would probably get a "Mature Content" advisory slapped on it in some places), but hey, if you're into bleak, violent stories, this might be up your alley. Here's the link if you want to check it out.

Mating Room

I originally wrote this story awhile back, and I've toyed with the idea of writing a sequel. The further adventures of Dr. Willard Raymond, who is kind a sadistic cross between B.F. Skinner and Dr. Frankenstein.

With Thanksgiving and all, next week is going to be pretty hectic, so I don't know when I'll be posting again. Definitely the week after. So in the meantime, I hope everyone has a great turkey day.

Infernally Yours,


Friday, November 07, 2003



Might go see the new Matrix movie in the next few days. I'm not expecting to like it very much - while the special effects/action scenes in Part 2 were very well done, I hated the storyline and don't expect to like Part 3 much more. I'm only going to see it to find out if the ending makes sense. Maybe all the pieces will come together in Part 3 and I'll actually love the trilogy once all is explained...

Yeah, right!

I'm more looking forward to the third Lord of the Rings movie. I'm not much of a Tolkien fan, but Peter Jackson is doing a good job with the movies. Hobbits and shit like that usually annoy the hell out of me, and Jackson has at least made them tolerable. I've been following his career since I was blown away by Dead Alive, so I'll continue to pay to see his movies in the theater until he really makes a stinker. I hear he wants to remake King Kong next. Who knows, he might just be able to pull it off.

But the sequel I'm really excited about is Kill Bill Volume 2, coming out in February. It's gonna be real tough waiting that long to see how it ends. As far as I'm concerned, Kill Bill kicks both the Matrix and the Lord of the Ring's asses. But that's just me.

On the story front, I just found out I'll have a story on the webzine House of Pain in a few weeks. Should be up on the site by November 15th. We'll see. When it's available, I'll post announcements here and on my website.

Sunday, November 02, 2003


I didn't post anything last week. Maybe it was because I turned 40 and it was a time of mourning (LOL). On my birthday last Wednesday I finally sent out the first issue of my email newsletter. Yep, I finally had enough news to fill a newsletter (the new Cemetery Dance, my story in Best of Horrorfind 2, the Honorable Mentions in Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, etc. - all stuff previously covered here on the blog). Then I went to the movies and saw Kill Bill again. It was in the early afternoon and nobody was there. I had the whole theater to myself and had the best seat in the house. Kind of like getting a private screening for my birthday. And, for the record, Kill Bill holds up just fine the second time around. Can't wait to see Volume 2 in February. So it was a pretty low-key day, but I took the day off work and it was real nice to have a break in the middle of the week.

Halloween was pretty low-key too. Laura and I ended up going over to Casa Dorato, the home of writer Steve Dorato and his charming wife Val. Spent the time watching horror videos (including the special edition of the orginal Texas Chainsaw, which just came out on DVD) and drinking lots of Sapporo and Hoegaarden (the latter being my favorite wheat beer right now - not sure why, but I love the taste of that stuff!). At midnight we all sat around to listen to the Jordon Rich show on the AM talk radio station WBZ, out of Boston. Three of our friends were the featured guests: Dan Keohane (my collaborator on the new Cemetery Dance story, "Mermaids"), Jon Merz (author of the Lawson vampire series) and Michael Arruda. Three great guys! They sounded great on the show - very relaxed and professional - and I think this was Dan and Michael's first time on the radio - and each of them even read a new short story! And, surprisingly, host Jordon Rich actually seemed interested in horror and somewhat knowledgeable (at one point he even discussed how the remake of Chainsaw was inferior to the orginal and he talked a bit about the 1930's classic, Freaks, which is kind of an obscure (but worthy) movie to talk about).

Towards the end of the show they took callers, so I made sure to call in. Got on the air pretty easily and it was fun to be a part of this cool event. I just wish shows like this didn't just have horror writers on on Halloween. It's like we're banished the rest of the year or something and just pulled out when things are supposed to be scary. But hell, everyday can be scary. Just look at the nightly news. LOL.

Not much else news-wise. Got some new cd's I might be mentioning soon on the blog - including the new Strokes cd, "Room of Fire" which I've heard great things about and thought I'd check out, and the Kill Bill soundtrack, which is just terrific stuff, and great to write to.

I'll try to write more later in the week. Until then, stay free.

Infernally Yours,


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